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As a Practice, we strive to do the best for you, our patients.

Have you heard about the benefits of fasting? Click here for more information

Some of you will be fasting as part of Ramadan observations. If you take medication regularly to treat your long-term health condition, you may experience some side effects. Please speak to one of our Doctors or Practice Pharmacists about safe fasting whilst taking medication.

All appointments can be requested through our online Total Triage system. If you can’t complete the form yourself, please don’t worry – our staff at both sites will be able to help you

Forms open at 8am every working day – click here to go straight to the form to request an appointment.

Learning Disabilities

If you are on the learning disability register, you can ask for reasonable adjustments.

These are small changes we can make to help the way we treat you and to make things easier for you when you attend the surgery.

For example, you can ask for a longer appointment or an appointment at a time which is best for you.

You can also ask us to give you information in Easy Read.

For more information, see about reasonable adjustments.

Learning Disability Annual Health Check

Annual health checks are for people with a learning disability who are over 14 years old. They happen every year and can help you stay healthy.

We will invite you for an annual health check every year.

For more information see about annual health checks.